The announcement.

We are happy to announce that Visual Hub has obtained an incentive of € 19.809,60 in support of business development projects aimed at the implementation of Operations financed under the POR FESR FVG 2014 – 2020, Activity POR 2.1.b “Interventi dedicati alle imprese nell’ambito dell’Area di specializzazione della Cultura, Creatività e Turismo” approved by the Regional Council Resolution no. 1615 dd. 20/10/2023.

An opportunity for sustainable growth.

These are the guiding principles of our project:

Mission: to inspire and empower people working in the fields of visual creativity.

Vision: Create a collective intelligence made up of multidisciplinary training, coaching, mentoring and centred on strong relationships between people working in the fields of visual creativity

Purpose: The world will be saved by beauty. We want to help bring creativity and image culture back to the centre, making the market fair and sustainable, supporting those working in the industry and educating users.

Value proposition: Join the Visual Creativity community. We improve our work, innovate the industry and contribute to making it more sustainable. Together.